Kirk will be performing at Al's Run on September 14th! Time - 9:00am before race Where - Children's Champions Area (12th and Wisconsin Avenue) See you there!!
Receive a $25 Discount on All Magic Shows during January, February, March 2019. (Please mention this special offer when booking)
Kirk will be performing New Year's Day at Steinhafels in Greenfield from 12 to 2:00 pm. Stop in for the Interactive Magic and to Save 35-65%
Kirk will be appearing at Steinhafels (Oak Creek) from 1:00-3:00 pm. Close Up Magic during the "Incredible Sale" Save 40-70% throughout the entire store!!
Kirk will be performing magic at The Grand Geneva Resort on July 3rd. Close up magic starting at 10am (until the Fireworks!)
Kirk will be performing at The Pfister Hotel on June 29th for a private event. The Pfister luxury hotel is an